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What to Expect

Going to a new place for the first time can be daunting but let me assure you that I try to offer a relaxed and friendly experience. Let me talk you through a typical session so you know what to expect. 


I can work through light, lose clothing so please wear something thin and loose unless you don't mind taking it off. I'm unable to work through jeans and lycra. If you would like to bring something to change into that's fine. 


In the first session we will spend some time talking about your medical history such as previous operations/ illnesses/ injuries etc and we will discuss your current issues and I will make some notes so that we can compare these symptoms each week. Then I will ask you to lay on the therapy couch (please see gallery) and I will make some small rolling-type moves before stopping for a 2 - 4 minute break. The breaks are important as it gives your body time to respond to the treatment.  We will continue with treatments and breaks for the rest of the session. Bowen is a holistic therapy and your whole body will be treated regardless of your condition. 


Sessions usually last between 45 minutes to 1 hour but please allow up to 1 hour 15 minutes for the first session. Sometimes people see the benefits of Bowen therapy after the first session but it often takes 2 - 3 sessions before you start to see a change. 



Although Bowen therapy is very gentle, your body will be responding and adjusting to the treatment for the next few days and you may notice some reactions while your body rebalances and heals. These can sometimes include: tiredness, headaches, sore muscles, stiffness  and an increase in the original symptoms. These are all perfectly normal and should ease within a couple of days.



As a result of Bowen, the body increases blood supply to the nerve endings and affects the movement of lymph around the body. The effective functioning of these systems relies on the sufficient intake of fluids. Therefore, following Bowen therapy try to drink plenty of water. It is recommended that we drink 2 litres of fluid a day.



On the day of treatment I ask clients not to sit for more than half an hour at a time before standing and moving around for a few seconds. This helps prevent stiffness and soreness and also assists the movement of lymph around the body.


Other Therapies

It is advised that you don’t receive any other physical treatment within 7 days of Bowen therapy to ensure your body doesn’t become overloaded with ‘mixed messages’. This includes therapies like reflexology, massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, acupuncture etc.



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