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Bowen Therapy

What is Bowen Therapy?

Bowen Therapy is very gentle and involves the therapist making rolling-type moves on specific points of the body over soft tissue such as fascia, muscles, tendons and ligaments on areas that have far-reaching connections within the body. This is then followed by a break to allow the body time to respond and make small adjustments to rebalance or realign. It's very relaxing but surprisingly effective at relieving tension and reducing pain. 


As Bowen therapists we do not make a diagnosis or treat only one particular area of the body, but rather treat the whole body. The benefit of this is that anything within your body that needs healing or rebalancing can be addressed. Sometimes it might seem like we know what the problem is - such as a sore knee or a sore shoulder but the root of the problem might be caused elsewhere. Treating the whole body will confront any underlying issue.


What can Bowen Therapy help with?

Although we treat the whole body, conditions that respond well to Bowen Therapy include:


Neck pain

Frozen shouder

Anatomy human body model on white backgr

Tennis elbow

Back pain


Sleep problems



Carpel Tunnel

Digestive problems

Baby colic



Joint pain

Planta fasciitis

Panic attacks



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Bowen Therapy can help improve many problems and conditions. Treatment is safe for all ages. You should be able to tell after 3 sessions whether your body is responding to the treatment. The number of sessions needed can vary from person-to-person depending on the problem but weekly sessions are recommended until symptoms are under control. Some people only need 3 - 4 sessions for long lasting relief but others feel that after the initial few weeks, having a regular treatment every 4 - 6 weeks helps them maintain the benefits they feel. If you would like to find out whether Bowen therapy could help you, give me a call on 07739964165 and I would be happy to discuss this with you. 


For more details about Bowen Therapy and to see some moves in action please watch this video:


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